Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Knight, a Knave, and a Spy

You find yourself on the Island of Knights, Knaves, and Spies, a logical kingdom whose inhabitants always lie (Knaves), always tell the truth (Knights), or who can do either (Spies). You encounter three of said inhabitants, call them Alice, Bob, and Carol. You are told by your guide (a trustworthy Knight) that in this group there are one of each type of inhabitant, a Knight, a Knave, and a Spy. You ask the following questions.

To Alice you ask, "Are you a Knight?"

"No," she answers.

To Bob you ask, "Are you a Spy?"

"No," replies Bob.

Finally, you ask Carol, "Are you a Knave?"

"No," she says.

Can you tell from these answers who is a Knight, who is a Knave, and who is a Spy? Click below for the answer.

1 comment:

Adil Ishaq said...

Hope I got Loss after bundle of Loss's or myself own inside whole story in which all others as God & myself dead after that no one wish to dig into mud? But each one need peaceful right from Right side, if God giving promise about our feed then where is indeed, Content available after availability how, who, don't care also aware to others sware it's or this all called Our Success? Is this is or What is But, Forget all Just Think who are Contet Creator? Now Bug Hunter or Research in this job discription which was but they just focus on their way, But without no knowledge, How we can say Which is But Each should know, Every Noun Have His/Her Right also decided by God. This is Religious or Community Guidelines in which, What about you, Are you good, Hope you doing good, I always as in current time. Stay Bless.My Prayers wish to protect you after aware others by myself if you wish too.